Friday 21 June 2024

Thursday 20th June 2024


Is it the weekend yet?

Apparently not.

A day of chaos, and then some at work. Needless to say, I can't begin to tell you what the chaos was, but rest assured, it was chaos, so a day of work was changed to a series of meetings to explain and justify the chaos.

One hundred and seventy two Before then, there was coffee, breakfast and massaging.

Yes, massaging.

Massaging of my calf, so to help the cramping, and amazingly, the pain in my ankle and foot lessoned quite a lot.


Although not right away, but getting up and not limping, and then realising you're not limping, was quite the thing.

The wind has stopped blowing from the north, is now much less and the sun shines most of the day. Almost like summer, which is nice

Just work gets in the way.

And chaos. Of course.

As before, there were three games, Serbia v Slovinia, England v Denmark and then Italy v Spain. With just an our between each game.

As England kicked off at five, Jools stopped off for fish and chip for supper on the way home, arriving home on the stroke of half time, and the last morsel being eaten as the teams lined up for the second half.

Geranium dissectum The game itself was dreadful, England dour and lumpen, outplayed by a bright Danish team, that almost had me cheering for them by the end.

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