Saturday 29 June 2024

Friday 28th June 2024

We have made it to the end of another week, and indeed, another month.

In less than 14 months, I can jump off the treadmill and go and do something less boring instead.

Like watching paint dry. Or something.

It was my only chance of a lay in this week, what with four early mornings due to audits, so my stupid brain had me awake at half four.

Friday. Filled with work, bin collections and a void where two or three football games should be, as the round of 16 begins on Saturday.

One hundred and eighty Jools leaves at six for yoga, I put out the bins, fill up the feeders, make a second coffee, and am just about human come seven.

There is a meeting. Of course. I have a stack of things to do, but why not have a meeting instead, and one without agenda or structure?

So it goes, so it goes.

I do the minimum of tasks I had set out for myself, and told myself that meant I have five audit reports to write next week, so no excuses and no procrastinating!

My ankle was feeling OK, but once Jools came back, she went to walk to the library, while I stayed here and read the fresh off the printers issue of WSC out in the sunshine on the patio.

Echium vulgare Colours in the garden are no turning from yellows to blues to reds and oranges. I went out to snap something for the shot of the day, and got a blue thing on a long stem that was tricky to snap, and growing through the winding path is our first Vipers Bugloss, which we are thrilled to have, and this single spike should seed well.

Talking of seeds: I picked a large back of Yellow Rattle seeds and seed heads ready for re-seeding in the autumn, then settled back down to read some more.

There was no quiz, and Jen is away in the north with Sylv, so we watched a documentary and then some music, and soon it was half eight and bed time.


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