Tuesday 18 June 2024

News from the hustings

Over halfway through the election campaign now, so why stop when we're hating it?

Yes, in 16 days it'll all be over and either the Conservatves will still be in power, or won't.

In a quite remarkable turn of events, Sunak is actually less popular three weeks in than he was before this started, and Starmer has slightly improved. This despite the right wing press and Conservative Party HQ throwing all sorts of shit and actual lies at the Labour Leader.

Who would have imagined that a bunch of incompetents who were so bad at governing would be actually worse in campaigning?

In some polls they are now trailing 4th behind Labour, the LibDems and Farrage's lot whatever it is they're calling themselves this week.

Despite spending years trying to bypass scrutiny in Parliament and elsewhere, the prospect of a Labour landslide has the once Party of Law and Order and let us not forget, the Union, warning of Labour avoiding scruiny with their two hundred plus majority.

Suddenly, the Party, who under JOhnson and Mogg gave the Monarch illegal advice now care for the constitution and the rule of Law?

Do me a favour.

It is possible that Sunak might ose his own seat, and rumour has it he has enrolled his children in a school in California. That's California USA not Norfolk.

And there are dire warnings of tax, coming from the party that has imposed the highest tax burden on the nation outside wartime. Its not the tax that matters, its ow its spent.

So, the hustings continue, Tory slurs against Starmer and the Labour Party continue, but hope is that in three weeks time, we might have some stability, and in my next post, its stability i will write about.

Until then.....

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