Sunday 30 June 2024

So much wasted time

It is easy to forget how long the Conservatives have been in power.

Its almost as long as I have been with Vestas, one less month, as I remember listening to the news reports in the days after the election as to whether Labour could form a "Rainbow coalition" of a number of parties, of the Conservatives would form a minority government. In the end they formed a calition of their own with the LibDems, and formed a Government that lasted the full five years of a Parliamentary term.

The LibDems were critised for allowing the Conservatives to bring in austerity, and so were hammered in the 2015 election, which the Conservatives won, with a romist for an in/out referendum on leaving the EU.

This was to head off the threat of Farage and UKIP, a policy which we see now totally failed as he has formed a new party and is a new threat to the ultra-right wing Conservative Party, scaring it inot lurching even further right. The Conservative and Union Party soold its soul to keep power, and come Friday morning, the size of the punishment beating the electorate is going to gve it will become manifest.

In 14 years the Tories have delivered the most brutal of austerities on the UK, took it out of the EU, failed to prepare and mitigate the Pandemic, instead use the crisis to grift for themselves and their friends. Billions of pounds were spent via illegal VIP lanes, which ignored the usual suppliers of PPE.

Austerity brought not only poverty to a large sway of the nation, but ravaged services, cut doctors and nurses, caused an almost total collapse of the Justice System, to the point a victime of sexual assault might not have their day in court for up to FIVE years.

In 2019, the Conservatives wone the election with an 80 seat majority, giving it the greatest gift the UK Constitution can grant a party: almost unlimited power. Power to enact policies in it's manifesto, or using the Parliament Act, reintroducing policies in a new session to trump reservations and ammendments by the House of Lords.

Johnson got Brext done, his Brexit, the details of which he denied at the time their effect would have, and tried to row back on several times, threatening to break domestic and international law. Prior to the election, he and the two Leaders of both Houses of Parliament were have found to have given the Queen illegal advice. No apology was made, and Johnson suffered no punishement.

Johnson only got punished when Parliament decreed he had mislead The Commons and had failed to correct the record, as per Erskin May, the book on Paerliamentary procedures. He tried to hang on, only to have most of his Cabinet resign over the maddest 12 hours in Constitutional history, and I include Liz Truss's time in power in that, so he could not form a Government.

Truss herself was in power less than two months, including the time the country closed down for the Queen's death and funeral. Even then she nearly crashed the economy and all our pensions by her Chancellor's "Economic Statement", which included uncosted tax cuts and spending. The markets panicked and the markets crashed, which must have come as a shock to the self-described free marketeers. At least £74 billion was pumped into pensions and the economy, which had to be paid for by the UK paying higher interest rates on the international market, and all of us paying higher taxes one way or another.

There is so much more to say, but this is what happens when journalists become politicians and so do not have the skills or knowledge to enact policies, even sensible ones. If there was any justice in the world, the party should be out of power decades, and those who lead it in jail for life on charges of misconduct in public office.

It might yet happen.




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