Thursday 12 August 2021

COVID positivity

For the last few days, numbers of new infections have been on the rise, with today the rolling 7 day average is at 8.6% and over 33,000 fresh infections. A reminder that this is at a rate ten times what it was a year ago, we continued to be cautious then, but this year, almost back to normal, with increased pressure, again, to go back to the office.

A trial of air purifies is to be made in a small area of the country when children return to schools in September, to see how effective these are. This should have been done in the previous seven months of the year, so that schools could prepare for the new year. Instead the Government is way behind the curve, and is gambling with our children's health.

Back in February last year, the head of the WHO said the most important thing was to make decisions quickly. Some you would get right, some wrong, but hesitation would allow the virus to spread.

Nearly 18 months later and Johnson has not learned this, and waits until it is almost too late before deciding, by which time actions have to be faster and harder than needed.

I am FED UP writing this stuff. We all should have learned this by now, that this Delta variant is much for infectious that the original strain, even more infectious than Spanish Flu, but being vaccinated, or better double vaccinated, reduces the risk of hosiptalisations, admissions to ICU and deaths to very low levels indeed. But children can and will be infected and will fall ill. Some very ill.

Our fate is now set, and what will be, will be. But remember, never forget, it was all avoidable. All so very avoidable. NZ today announced its borders would remain closed for the rest of 2021. There, every life is worth saving, where here, we are just a statistic.

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