Monday 23 August 2021

The UK Shite mark

One of the more insane idears foisted on the country in the name of Brexit, was the scrapping of the EU CE mark and introducing the British "Kite" mark.

I say British as such a thing is not allowed to happen in NI under the NIP, nor is the CE mark, NI is to have its own standards compliance scheme. Which means that UK/Britain went from have a single UK Kite mark in the 80s, then switching to a single EU CE mark, but many companies will have to be certified in the standards for the countries/areas they want to operate in. So cots will not just double, they will triple.

On top of this there is things ike REACH as already explained.

If the UK had been prepared for the reality of Brexit, then such things would have been ready to go on the day the UK leaft the EU at the end of the transition period, the end of last year.

Industry have been warning the Government for months that the scheme would not be ready by the end of the year, and now that is to be delayed, initially, by a year.

Last December I sat in a meeting hosted ISO, or was it 2019? Anyway, in the webinar, ISO explained how harmonised standards facilitated trade flows and reduced costs, and at the time the expectation there would be no differences, but they were wrong.

Even things like the regulation of hazardous goods by road, ADR, a European standard made freight haulage simpler, but I guess the UK will have its own, slightly different regulations, truck markings and so on, making life for dispatchers and drivers a little more complicated and difficult

All for pure dogma.

And stupdity.

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