Friday 27 August 2021

Thursday 26th August 2021

I so wanted to sleep until about nine, but, of course, my brain had me awake at half four, waiting for dawn, reminding me of the things I had to do that day.

I lay in bed as Jools got up, and got herself ready before I went downstairs to run interfearence. And being the last working day of the week, she had so much to do, she left just about at six, leaving me here to muster my thoughts and gird my loins. As if you conduct an audit, you have to write an audit report and present it to the auditees, at which point they might just disagree.

I had three and a half hours to write the initial report, at least, and then next week I would finish the long version off.

It's still summer, but Thursday wasn't just cloudy and breezy, it was downright chilly too. And with the kittens still using the living room window to go out, I left that open, put a jumper and socks on in the hope of keeping warm. We know this has to be fixed before the winter, lest pissing wars will start up again. Its never simple, is it?

I look at my findings, look at the standard: I mean, I know something was wrong, but have to match it to a clause in the standard and justify it with evidence.

The task went on.

I had breakfast, and as I had time, made some bread to have for lunch. A mix of white and wholemeal flour, and once it was baked and cooled, after the closing meeting, I would have a thich crust, heavily buttered and smothered with apricot jam.

Just before the meeting started, the bread was done, so could cool through the meeting, and once I finished, boiled the kettle for a brew and cut the crust off, applied butter and then jam. Take into living room to listen to John Cooper Clark on a podcast.

This is living.

I try to solve a few issues through the rest of the day, but IT, you know, is shit.

I am so tired by half two, I really consider going to bed, but thought I had better stay up, so watch a documentary on the two Voyager missions, lasting 90 minutes, and revealing the drama behind the science. Something that man made, is now in interstellar space, heading towards destination unknown, and will just keep going and going, long after the human race and the planet Earth are no more.

Two hundred and thirty eight It was so cold that aubergine didn't seem to be enough, so I defrsot some crispbakes, find that the corn had gone off so I defrost some creamed spinach, and make some mashed potao with two teaspoons of the salted herbs that Liza sent from Canada last year. We have a real taste for that now, and potatoes won't be the same wthout the herbs.

Jools comes home and we eat well.


I jsut about stay awake to listen to Marc Riley on 6 Records, and listen to the second hour laying in bed, just about staying awake.

Phew, rock and roll.

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