Monday 23 August 2021

Sunday 22nd August 2021

Day two of the weekend, and the weather was to be not so good.

In fact, when I woke up at half six, I could hear thunder rumbling in the near distance.

I came down and trned on the storm radar, and indeed there was a sizable storm over Thanet, with many strikes south along to coast to Sandwich and Deal.

Two hundred and thirty four It lasted an hour before petering out, but worthy enough to take a screenshot of the last salvos of lightning.

And it rained.

Of course.

Tow hours of heavy, steady rain. And cloud thick enough to turn day to dusk and for us to have the table lamp on.

Pieris brassicae I say we, but it was I, as Jools had a swimming session booked at seven, so was gone 90 minutes as I did whatever I did back in the house. Mainly drinking coffee and listening to the radio.

Pieris rapae Jools came home at half eight, so we have breakfast, second breakfast and more coffee.

And with the rain coming down, we did chores.

I made pasta sauce with our own home grown tomatoes, we then cleaned the fryer.

Exciting stuff, eh?

I cooked lunch; chorizo hash, which seems to be the new Sunday lunch for us, meaning we were all cleaned up and resting with full bellies for when the football began at two.

St Maggies in the gloaming I did watch both games, the first one sitting at the table on the swivel chair, then joining Scully on the sofa for the Arsenal v Chelsea game, which ended in an away win. And an easy one at that.

St Maggies in the gloaming And that was that.

Another day drew to an end, the sun shone at the end, with a vivid light that turned the leaden clouds black in contrast.

Jools made her lunch for Monday, I uploaded shots for #wildflowerhour, and just like that, the weekend was over.

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