Tuesday 24 August 2021

No shakes

It was announced yesterday that McDonalds in England, Scotland and Wales, but not Northern Ireland, were running low on stocks, so there would be no milk shakes to serve with people's meals, and also the same for some bottled drinks.

This is so that the company can prioritise supplies of burger ingredients, so they don't run out.

This is due to the ongoing shortage of drivers.

Which is happening in England, Scotland and Wales.

But Northern Ireland.


THe unspoken part in news updates is why that should be, or what is happening in Britain that s not happening in Northern Ireland?


Meanwhile, cross border trade between NI and the Republic surges by 77%, thus rewriting the way trade is done on the island of Ireland.

What could be the cause, and could the two stories be linked?

I guess we'll never know.

One final story is that is likely to be a shortage of fresh turkeys this Christmas, as breeders realise there will be a shortage of people to process them for market, so will allow less to mature.

If only there was a metaphore involving Christmas, turkeys and Brexit I could think of?

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