Tuesday 17 August 2021

Nearly 1 million

The quartly Government review of the job market has revealed that there are over 950,000 vacancies in the UK.

And, remember, this is after the sensitivity of the track and trace app has been turned down, so not so many people are isolating.

So, the shortage of workers for these posts must be the result of some other event. Now, I wonder what that could be?


Obviously with COVID and now the crisis in Afghansistan, Brexit is very much off the front pages, but as we always say, that its not being talked about, doesn't mean the damage isn't being done.

With various extensions having been agreed, and Europe still on its holidays, and as we saw earlier, the Westminster "elite" are on theirs too. Which means that by the time the late summer bank holiday rolls round and the calendar needs turning over to September, there will be panic for something to be done before the next minor cliff edge at the end of october happens.

Meanwhile, the BBC website has reported that Nando's, KFC is running out of chicken, and some supermarkets are running out of milk as the supplier doesn't have enough drivers.

Nando's made a statement that their outlets in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland were not affected by such shortages.

Which means.....

Another Brexit bonus not written on the side of a bus.

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