Thursday 12 August 2021

Wednesday 11th August 2021

Last day home alone, as Jools was due back some time in the afternoon or evening, depending on traffic and/or what time they left. There was nothing I could be doing as I had to be back at work for the audit, which had now moved onto the IoW.

I woke up just after six, and Cleo was alseep on the -shirt I had left on the floor. She had been there most of the night, as I heard her washing and scratching. She followed me downstairs as I filled three bowls for them, then put the coffee pot on. As the audits went on to five, I could have a late start, so dallied around, drinking coffee listening to podcasts and generally filling my time.

Once I did log on to work and the audit started, it was decided I needn't be in the meeting all day, I could be on call, so was left to get back to actual work and catch up, though wouldn't be able to wander that far from the table.

It was a fine day outside, a bit breezy and with light cloud, but I couldn't go for a walk, so made do with picking some rapsberries and tomatoes, as the latter had begun to turn from orange to red. I had some with the slice of pork pie I had for lunch, sweet and flavoursome they were.

Two hundred and twenty three I have the monthly data analysis to do, I have to find the folder in the maze of folders hidden away in a group on Teams. I do find it, download the data and begin to crunch numbers.

But I am easily diverted.

The day progresses into the afternoon, and at about three, a familiar figure is seen out of the corner of my eye walking down the drive: Jools was back. She must have heard the kettle boiling, so I make her a brew and she puts her feet up. Traffic had been light, so they got back in just about six hours, not bad.

I was halfway through making bread for dinner, so I finish that so we can have caprese for our dinner, with two good slices, and half a crust of still warm bread.

We do well.

Needless to say, the cats are happy Jools is back, Mulder in particular, and so follows her around.

Once dinner is done, and we have cleared up, we sit and read/listen to more music and head to be at nine, by which time it is already dark.

Normality is restored.

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