Sunday 13 February 2022

He kept the receipts

A single lawyer decided to keep track of the changes to COVID laws going back two years, detailing and recording every change in a spreadsheet and Tweeting out information for his followers on how to keep within the everchanging law and guidance.

Adam Wagner, also made instructional videos, to explain in lay terms what was allowed and not. I know that the company JOols works for used his videos to shape their policy at times.

No one could have guessed that at the same time as these laws and guidance were being pumped out along with dire warnings on the need to obey them for the health and sake of the nation, that those who made the laws and guidance were ignoring them.

Wagner has the receipts, and is able to say with legal precision, what was illegal or against guidance on a particular date at any location. Without this the Government and its supporters could have got Johnson off the hook.

Wagner is able to skewer any excuse that is not on compliance with laws and guidance at the time applicable for central London, a workplace, a home, or combnation of all three.

So, they are now attacking Adam:

Mark Jenkinson (MP) says:

"You and your increasingly manic howlings becoming ever-distant from reality. You don’t appear to see how your bias leads to the moral disengagement in your tweet above - the suggestion a female Home Secretary and HM the Queen won’t make an appointment that rests solely with them."

Lord Moylan Tweeted:

"Yes, but @AdamWagner1 goes on telly fantasising about prosecutions for misconduct in public office as well. He is bloodlust personified."

Wagner concluded thus:

"I must be really annoying to them as I kept the Covid law receipts over a very confusing period which has made it particularity difficult for people to worm out of wrongdoing."

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