Monday 28 February 2022

In tRuble; the American version

All in the previous post can apply to the US and the Republican Party.

Remember Trump tried to tie Ukraine providing dirt on Biden's sone in return for providing weapons to the country.

This weekend has been many right wing "news" shows cheerleading Putin rather than Ukraine, as apparently Putin knows there are only two genders, or some other culture war bollocks.

Trump is also awash with Russian money. The Meuller Report made it clear that there was no doubt about the financial links, and then there is the likely video of the golden showers in a Moscow Hotel that Russia has on Trump.

Trump also cheered Putin and Russia on.

Which is where the US is right now, split down the middle, or rather the GOP attempting to restrict voting so it can never be removed from power.

Imagine trumpeting an imaginary culture war over an actual war, and siding with the Reds Under the Bed.

Imagine that.

So then think of the links between Trump, the GOP, Vote Leave, Cambridge Analytica, Johnson, The Conservative Party, Naughty Nigel, Brexit and their links to Russia, Putin and wads and wads of Rubles which America and The City washes, some of which is pocketed.

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