Wednesday 16 February 2022

Tuesday 15th February

Both the clock on the digital radio and my spare wristwatch no longer work, so when I wake up during the night I have little idea what time it is, whether I have five hours more or five minutes. Jools has her phone set up so it rings her fitbit thingy, so vibrates only, so I hear nothing even when it is time to get up, and several times I don't feel her getting up either, and sleep on.

Forty six So, I wake up and lay in bed, listening for sounds from downstairs.

I hear nothing.

It seems to be getting light outside. Jools is still sleeping, however.

A quick walk Apparently, it was ten to six.

Who knew.

That would explain the faint light creeping round the edge of the curtains.

Jools gets up, behind on her tasks for the morning. I lay some more making sure my arms and legs are still working. They seem to be OK, so I get up.

A quick walk Jools is busy, feeding cats and making coffee. Although no time for a walk, she is off to the factory by half six, and I am alone at home.


Its funny, after Friday's apparent victory in getting my boss to see things my way, followed by the kick in the teeth on Monday that appently he did not have the authority to give me the task in the first place. All of this is going to make my annual assessment on Thursday very interesting.

A quick walk I stare at my half finished procedure and wonder, what's the point?

I still don't know.

At nine i decide to go out for a walk, even though the sunshine of early morning had given way to cloud, I was still going out.

I don't go far, just across the fields to Fleet House and then back along Collingwood to home. Rain had meant many other routes would be too muddy, and I didn't want to be long. Though I did meet every dog-walker in the area, and each one stopped to talk. So the half hour walk took an hour, but was better for taking to actual people.

A quick walk Back home to have another brew and a late breakfast.

Apart from work, I have dinner to make, and I get two lamb chops out, search for recipes and come up with some kind of Moroccan lamb recipe. I adapt it some, and soon the lamb was browing in the frying pan, I tip two tins of tomato segments in with add, add some spices and let it simmer for twenty minutes, so that it could marinate through the day to be warmed up just before eating.

It smelt gorgeous I can tell you.

Not much else to report, if I'm honest.

I pack away at three, and watch a documentary on NY art. As you do.

Feed the cats.

Move the cat food to exactly where the cats want it. Boil some rice, warm the lamb and tomato up. I think about having some wine. I think aboit it a lot, but go for squash instead. I chose wisely. With no Marc on the wireless I listen to Citeh on Radio 5, and they rattle 5 against Sporting, four in the first half. Seems Norwich got off lightly last weekend.

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