Wednesday 9 February 2022

Tuesday 8th February 2022

Another day in paradise.

As I sit down to write to this, I know I worked all day, did other stuff, but at this distance, I really am struggling to remember what I did.

We were up early, Jools had some work to do in the office before the rest and Donna got in, so she leaves at quarter past six, leaving me alone.

I make a second coffee and do some toast. I have learned that by cutting it thin, don't feel so guilty about having an extra slice every now and again.

I do have a plan to begin writing the new process, but first came the quest to find the approved template.

The search and sending out mails lasts until lunchtime, by which time any enthusiasm I had for the task had long since been lost.

I go into the garden to check on more spring flowers, as I bend down under the fir tree, the local sparrowhawk swoops over, screeching frustration as sparrows and robins scatter.

And it is gone.

I go back inside, make a third offee and have breakast. Or brunch as it is really.

The day creeps along.

Outside the weather is grey and dreary, I would go out for a walk, but my heart wasn't in it, really. I spy some crocus in one of the upper beds so snap that for the shot of the day, and that is it.

Thirty nine The day fades and I have an easy dinner to cook; burgers.

Just burgers.

And no point in cooking until Jools comes home, but I slice an onion and some cheese to pay on the cooking patties.

That was splendid, really dirty food, so goes down well. And very little clearing up needed, though the house did smell like burger king all night.

There was football to watch, Championship, as Derby carry despite being under the threat of going out of business. They win 3-1.

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