Friday 25 February 2022

Thursday 24th February 2022

THursday, and the last day of the three day workshop.

Thanks God.

I mean, I don't think I could take much more.

It was bad the previous two days, but on the third day I had a minor red wine hangover, and nothing, lest bacon and eggs and all the trimmings, would have cheered me up.

We laid in bed until half six, meaning I had just half an hour before work started, which was just enough time to get up, get dressed and have a coffee.


The morning drags.

My head bangs.

Did I mention time dragged?

We were done at half two, half an hour early, the wrap up took an hour and I was glad just to get it over with.

Too cold to go out for a walk, so I begin a really good look for the Pyramidal orchid. It must be out there somewhere.

I fnd what looked like an orchid leaf, then have to go inside to get the camera to record it, then, as I hadn't marked the leaf, I had to find it, and in the process find the Pyramidal rosette; right shaped leaves and well developed. Meaning there might be a second orchid this year.

Fifty five Eeeek.

Jools sends a message; did I want her to pick up fish and chips on the way home?

I say yes.

So, no cooking. Just feed the cats. Put the badger food out, listen to the radio.

Jools gets back just after six, so we sit down to eat cod and chips with a fresh brew each.

We were pooped.

We have the radio on, we even bail on an evening brew as I really was so tired, I wanted nothing to disturb me all night.

At nine, we give in and go to bed.

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