Thursday 17 February 2022

Wednesday 16th February 2022

I had to lift myself out of this trough of dispair.

So, when waking up, I resolve to finish the procedure, and bugger what anyone else says.

I still feel let down, mind.

Wednesday was notable for the first of several storms in the next week. First up was Dudley. Dudley is a town in the West Midlands, and everyone, even those who live there, say the name with a funny accent; all nasal like you have a cold.

Or is it just me?

I have no idea.

Jools has lots of work to do, so is up and about early, off for a walk when it was dark and off to work before seven. I was still drinking coffee, either my first or second. I had made naan breads to go with dinner the night before, and there two in the fridge, so slice on in falf, toast it both sides and put nutella on it.

Yummy in the extreme.

Especially with a fresh tea.

And on with work. It seems it is holiday week in Denmark as well as the UK, and so mails and other activity is very slow. The day drags, and with the weather being so cold and blowy, I don't feel like going out. No matter how many cobwebs the breeze will blow away.

Forty seven I do look in the garden as i do every day, for signs of the Imperialis and frogspawn. Nether seen on Wednesday, but for the shot fo the day, I target the carpets of violets we have growing in the garden. I ID them as sweet violets.

The day drags, I am done at three, watch a video on YouTube, other tubes are available, and then go to make a batch of batter for fritters. I add sweet peppers and diced ham to the mix, and they still came out good.

Jools arrives home just as I was finishing cooking, and so I dish up the fritters, pur some squash and we eat well. And have enough left over for both of us to have for lunch the next day.

The evening was spent listening to the radio, watching football.

OK, really.

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