Thursday 18 January 2024

Monday 15th January 2024

A bitterly cold day, but sunny and not windy. So, no real excuse not to go out for a walk?

Well, it was cold, so cold the boots I struggled to pull on were not needed, as the ground was almost still frozen solid at half three in the afternoon.

I only walked over the field, and not all the way to Fleet House before turning back.

Yes, it was cold, but the colours of the late afternoon sunshine was stunning, so worth it.

No new flowers seen blooming, but seeing them in the warm light was worth it. And able to tell an old lady I met that despite being cold, spring was coming and told her where to see some of the plants in flower already.

Before then there was work. Always work.

Its so chilly that we have left the heating on low overninght, so its not so cold when we get up. Which worked.

And so this is the first day with our new boss having taken over the department. So, exciting stuff.

Kinda. Jools headed to work just after seven, and even with clear skies I can't say I really noticed it being lighter earlier in the mornings yet.

I make a second coffee and fill up the feeders, and already a brazen Blue Tit sits in the branches, squawking at me to hurry up and let him at the peanuts.

Which I do.

And so to work, and two Windows update to install and reboot the laptop before I can actually do anything productive this week.

Fifteen So it goes.

The day progresses; there is the formal handover meeting, we will miss the old boss for sure.

And we move on.

Cats sleep all day.

All cats sleep all day.

So long I forget we have them. Then Mulder meows for dinner, when I come back from my walk I says.

Late afternoon walk I take ten minutes to get my fight boot on, then am ready.

Off I go.

And back I come, having taken 50 shots, or so.

And with Jools doing aquafit, no cooking to be done. I do have a coffee waiting for her when she gets back, and once she has changed and gone, I tuck into cheese and crackers.

Late afternoon walk But here's the truth: crackers and butter is better than almost any cheese.

Aint that the truth.

And then the big match that was Derby v Burton, a real local derby that actually features Derby.

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