Wednesday 31 January 2024

Tuesday 30th January 2024


And a day of action, travel and tasks.

And first up, was to round up the cats. With one cat its hard, but with four, once have caught the first, the rest know what's coming, so hide under beds and behind sofas.

We have a plan now, and it works, mostly. Get up late, and one by one lock each cat in a single room, then pop each one in turn in a carrier.

We had that done by six twenty, with just enough time for a coffee before I took Jools down into town to meet Sean so he could drive them to work.

Then back home to start work and get writing my report. Something I like to take two days at least to do, but I had just eight hours.

So I typed away, all to the soundtrack of four meowing unhappy kitty cats, until nine when I loaded them in the car to take them to Whitfield to the cattery, close enough so that Mulder's bowels are not a worry.

Thirty I helped put them in their pens, added blankets and beds, then bid them farewell, and drove back home for a rushed breakfast and more typing.

One meeting at half twelve, and the big one at quarter to four, having got the report done, though it was rough.

Presenting a positive report is very much more pleasant than one with dozens of findings, so that went well and quickly, even still it was twenty past four.

Cullins Yard, Dover I was to collect Jools at five, so time for a quick shower and climb into some clean clothes, and down to the Prom, where we had agreed to have supper in Cullin's Yard before driving to the hotel.

Sadly, the steak and ale pie special was off, so I had fish and chips and a pint of broadside, which did just fine.

Cullins Yard, Dover Back home to finish packing, load the car and adjust the heating and water, then:

Hit the road.

The roads were quiet, with just some minor roadworks, so we made good time, all to the commentary of the Prem games being played, which I don't think Jools was thrilled with.

Round the M25, no delays, to the M4, and turning back east to the airport, then along the old A4 to the large Premier Inn.

Sadly, I have knacked my knee again. Jools dropped her case on the stairs and I tried to catch it. Jarred my knee and back to being like a cripple again.

I limped into the hotel behind Jools, she checked us in, paid for the parking, then up the room where as is normal, no windows opened, so was warm and dry. I listened to some footy, then bed at ten, with just six hours until we would be up to go to catch the flight.

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