Wednesday 3 January 2024

To the hustings

The current Parliament will cease to be five years after the previous General election, with the next election taking place four weeks later.

It is, once again, in the Prime MInister's perogative to call an election whenever he sees fit, and it is possible that he may choose 2nd May when there are local elections, so Party volunteers to not have to canvas twice in a year, the second time in the dead of winter.

The Conservative a Union Party is trailing badly in the polls and has done for some time, and no amount of reset has changed it much. By-election after by-election have prodiced, for the most part, eye-wateringly bad swings against the Government, and yet, like the captain of the Titanic this means that the Party must press on with ever more extreme policies.

The question now is, who will actually vote Conservative, apart from Party members. In whose name will the Party govern next?

Their core vote is, of course, the elderly and retired. But they are a dwindling number, not helped by COVID and now long COVID, and lives cut short by the increased excess death rate caused by political dicisions during the pandemic by this Government.

It is now rowing back on cross-party agreements on net zero and other green policies due to a whisker-tin victory in Johnson's old seat which was faught on ULEZ, which let us not forget was literally a policy of, checks notes, this Government.

With pensions maybe under scrutiny, another round of interviews to check again that disabled people are really disabled, to shave a few quid of the beefits bill, doctors, police, the sick, disabled, the NHS, transport all "woke" or somehow ungrateful of the latest Governments real cost cuts, are now viable targets for Government attacks, where nothing is ever the PM's or a Minister's fault.

The Government still has a majority of 58 seats, could pass any legislation it wants from the 2019 manifesto, but the party is so divided the only primary legislation it can get through Parliament are financial ones, nothing of any substance.

Meanwhile the Government through the DEFRA and Environmental Agency turns blind eyes as privatised water companies pollute our rivers, lakes and beaches with raw sewage. Promises to do something fall like ashes from Minister's lips.

The country will limp on until the end of the year, without a functining Government. A Government that fails on a daily basis that it has the people with the knowledge, skills of their briefs to turn their mealy words into actual policy in action.

Only their former friends on Fleet Street cheer them on, hoping that people will ignore the evidnce of the stench of decay and stagnation that haunts this once great country.

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