Friday 12 January 2024

Thursday 11th January 2024

Another fine dawn on Thursday, with a flock of birds crossing in front as I took shots.

Eleven The fine weather didn't last and soon clouded over, but got a little warmer.

And then, to work.

We are still in the first full week back at work this year, and it seems to have gone on for months.

And it was still only Thursday.

Jools was going to go swimming first thing, but decided against it as she was tired from what she did at the weekend, but will start again next week. And I will stop coming up with excuses not to go out too, and will try to get out most days. I must try to do more steps than last year, and so had better get cracking.

As it was, it was bright at first, not as cold, and so no excuse not to go out, but the clouds thickened after lunch, bringing another early dusk.

So I didn't go.

That being said, for "reasons" I will have to do some walking on Friday, but more about that that tomorrow.

And at work, with change in the air and things not going as planned, I was quite down all day, and easily distracted. Or easier than normal. Our new boss started on Monday, and has been undergoing handover from Tina, so things great real on Monday, I suppose.

I am to go to the Isle of Wight twice before Easter, which is nice, but it does mean writing yet more audit agendas, reports and follow ups.


It is, after all, what pays the bills.

There is more leftover chicken and rice for lunch, and we would have it again for dinner. Crispy, spicy coated chicken is pretty good for any meal, just warm up in the oven.

The afternoon was the same as every afternoon this year: dull and with an early dusk. And then cats meowing for their dinner.

Dinner, as I said, was warmed up buttermilk coated chicken, harissa spiced rive with fruit and honey, and frozen corn.

And wine.

And was good.

I was pooped so went to bed at eight to read as there was no football, but did read WSC, so there was football after all.

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