Tuesday 30 January 2024

Monday 29th January 2023


And back to work for a two day week, though my Monday would be filled with an eight hour audit I was conducting.

Jools working too, and the day would be long and hard for her, too hard to have the energy for aquafit in the evening, so she came home straight from work for supper of cheese and crackers.

My knee was a little better, but I put the brace on, somewhat over-tightening it to the point of it hurting, though I would bear it as a mark of penance until the early evening.

I was hopeful that the holiday would be fine.

Before going to work, Jools did more preparation for the trip, including getting the kitty baskets in place, ready for the round up on Tuesday.

Twenty nine She went to work early, to get ahead, so I was able to set up the office and be ready to go.

I won't bore you with the details, other than to say it went well, and I finished before time at quarter to three, but was pooped.

I made a fresh coffee and relaxed, while thinking what to do with the rest of the day.

Beer sounded good.

Then came the message that Jools was coming straight home, and the question of chips or something else, with cheese and crackers winning out.

And beer.

And wine.

Jools finished packing, I would do mine through Tuesday, once I had taken the cats to the cattery, after we have rounded them up and written my report.

There was some more football to watch in the evening, which I had on, though wasn't good enough to stop me getting distracted.

So it goes.

Bed at nine.

Last night at home for a while.

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