Friday 19 January 2024

Thursday 18th January 2024

Not only did the first full week of the year drag, so did the second, and its only Thursday.

The cloud of the previous day was gone, and replaced by clear skies which meant temperatures plummeted overnight and there was a very sharp frost.

Frosty start And as we got back late the night before, Jools had left the car on the street, and it was heavily frosted.

Of course, Jools has to commute, I just change seats at the dining room table, and only have to go outside to top up the feeders. So, I watch Jools clear the windows of the car before she leaves for Hythe.

Late afternoon walk Would I go for a walk?


Though as the day pressed on it seemed less likely. However, when I thought I could combine the walk with shots of the sunset, I decided to go, leaving home at half three to walk along the track, then up to Collingwood before cutting up to Nelson Park and then along to Station Road where the sun was just above the horizon.

Eighteen It was might chilly. Although no wind to speak of, so OK as long as you kept moving. I don't move fast, but do keep going.

Late afternoon walk Gardens are asleep, but along the lanes and hedgerows, Alexanders are getting bushy, though I've seen none in flower here, I have seen pictures of some which were on wildflowerhour.

Late afternoon walk I rush back home to get inside and get warm. The sun sets and a cold darkness falls. The cats fed and I make dinner of hash, and try one of the new bottles of beer I received on Monday.

Biere du Corsaire 9.4%, which is strong stuff, and yet didn't taste that strong, but was full of flavour.

No football to watch, so we head to bed to read

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