Tuesday 2 January 2024

Monday 1st January 2024

All is quiet, on New Year's Day.

Except those hardy souls going out, tramping the streets, highways, byways and woodland walks looking for flowers in the #NewYearPlantHunt.

Over the course of two walks, I found over ten different plants in flower, and did 6,000 steps in the process.

Highlight was the advanced clump of primrose that a week ago had a single flower open, now has more than half a dozen.

Spring has come early, maybe, but plenty of time for winter, snow and frosts to come in the next three months.

We woke with it being light at eight, meaning another good ten hours sleep, but reality will kick in later as I am back to work on Tuesday.

Primula vulgaris Again, Jools was going to go swimming, but the pool closed, so instead there was the walk around the neighbourhood. I would have gone out in my new boots, only there were a few different flowers I knew were on the verges and in people's gardens that means no need to wade through mud to see.

One So up and down all three roads, before coming back home. I did see the primrose, but the Common Toadflax had all gone to seed and no sign of Shepherd's Purse in flower either.

With the weather set to turn wet and windy, again, after dinner, that meant little else other than nine hours back to back football. Either on the radio or on the tellybox.

I made fritters for lunch, and the day faded, while the wind built and rain began to fall. By bedtime, the wind was throwing torrential rain against the side of the house in a most noisy fashion. Happy New Year.

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