Thursday 18 January 2024

Tuesday 16th January 2024

I took other shots this day, but all came out blurry.


So, this is a shot of the lawnmeadow, white, encrusted with frost, and deep sleep in the depth of midwinter.

It was colder, brighter than on Monday, but not enticing enough for me to go for a walk.

I went out to fill the feeders, but by heck, it were cold.

So, I stayed inside.

Looking out.

It was another quiet day at work, our new boss is on a steep learning curve, and so we try not to bother her with issues until it can't wait any longer.

In the garden, a white Hellebore was in flower, and I took shots of the wide open flower in bright sunshine, but all were blurry, and this was the only other shot taken.

Sixteen So, here it is.

Not much else to say, really. Outside was bright and crisp and cold. Meanwhile my back complained about, well, being achey.

Four new beers There was little point in going out until it decides not to ache.

There is a glorious sun set, the day fades. And that was that.

I looked in the freezers for something to eat, and the easiest was to have carbonara again, so I get the pork out and prepare the ingredients, combining them just as Jools parks the car on the drive

. We have some wine, toast and tuck in with the last of the focaccia now made into garlic bread.


And FA Cup action to close the day out, as Bristol City beat West Ham, 1-0.

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