Wednesday 24 January 2024

Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Red sky in the morning, and all that.

Today, or yesterday is it is now, or as I shall call it, Tuesday, was my best day at work for over four years.

Tuesday morning I can't say too much, but after four years beating my head against the corporate brick wall, they listened.

Tuesday morning Or someone did, and we have a way forward.

I have used the very processes they designed to battle for forces of sloth and ignorance.

So there.

But it didn't start off so well. No, there was the usual of sloping shoulders and passing the buck.

So, angry, I called a colleague to vent.

And just after lunch, it all changed. People talked to each other, offered solutions, and so it was that the day suddenly got better.

This is not the end by a long way, but the end of the beginning, that first step to improvement is to admit there is a problem in the first place.

Outside, the fine start clouded over and the wind began to build, then by midday the rain had begun to fall, getting harder hour by hour, and driven in from the west by ever stronger winds of storm Jocelyn.

Then I had my big win, and everything was better after that.

Once work was done, I made a huge bowl of Boston beans and some creamed spinach, to go with the hasselback potatoes and breaded chicken. I even chilled a bottle of fizz to go with dinner, so flush with success did I feel.

Twenty three The evening was filled with football, down at heel Chelsea seeing if they could overcome the might of Middlesbrough, who lead 1-0 from the first leg. Chelsea cruised to a 6-1 win on the night, and Boro fans can dream about next season.

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