Monday 1 January 2024

Sunday 31st December 2023

And so to the final day of the year, and it was a Sunday too.

The longest afternoon of the soul.

Before then, I had to go to Folkestone for a haircut, so after coffee we were out and heading along the A20 when the heavens opened.

I mean the sky had been dark. Very dark, but the rain and hail just fell.

Jools had been going to go for a walk, but once in town the rain just fell harder and harder, so I sat there until it was time to walk to the barbers and not have too long to wait, Jools stayed in the car, crocheting.

And on the seventh day To my surprise, the barbers was open and all bar one of the chairs already occupied, so I was shown into it, and the guy got to work, shearing my locks.

Outside, the rain had not returned, or not as hard, so I walked back to the car and we drove home for brunch of fruit followed by bacon butties.

Three hundred and sixty five We were to go to Westcliffe with Jen and Sylv for a candlelight carol service at four, but Jen rang to say Sylv wasn't feeling too well, and so wouldn't need picking up.

We didn't go either, but drove to Jen's at five for a night of cards and party food.

As far as cards was concerned: I won more than my share, and we ate, drank and laughed when we ate supper.

But Sylv was feeling poorly, cold and could not concentrate, so went to bed halfway through a game in order to get warm.

How to be topp We bailed at half nine, Jools driving us back along the empty roads back to St Maggies.

Jools went to bed at ten, and I followed half an hour later, not seeing the New Year in with Piano Blokey on the tellybox for the first time in years, maybe decades.

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