Friday 27 March 2020

Fatal dogma

Yesterday, it emerged that the UK had failed to take up an offer from the EU to participate in the first four rounds of emergency ventilator procurement.

Initially a spokesperson for "Number 10" said it was because the UK had left the EU.

But during the transition the EU would treat the UK as if it were still a member.

A few hours later another spokesperson said the e mails had arrived in the wrong folder and had been missed, but the UK would think seriously about participating in the next round.

I mean, what next, the dog ate the invite?

And later still, video of Health Secretary on last week's Question Time saying the invite had been received and the Government were going to take up the offer.

This morning the Financial Times carried a report rubbishing all of the above.

The UK Government refusing aid because of what, dogma? Not accepting aid from the EU?

Now both the PM and the Health Secretary both have been confirmed as having "mild" cases of the virus. It would be easy to wish them ill, but I won't. I hope they get better really quickly, and no other ministers fall ill, lest Chris Grayling is left in charge.

Just when you think things can't get any worse, Johnson and his Ministers would rather people die than accept help from the EU. That's the long and short of it.


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