Wednesday 4 March 2020

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

Tuesday: market day in King's Lynn.

And spring arrived!

At least for 6 hours.

It was getting light at half five as i lay awake waiting for the alarm to go off. One of life's luxuries is that.

As is not having to commute to work, just able to log in from home.

And as ever, once the first coffee had been drunk and Jools left for work, I take me on my tired legs up the spare room for a session on the cross trainer, early enough the sun was yet to rise, though was daylight, and worked my way through half a dozen of my favourite tunes.

Sixty three Jools was going to be away until nearly half seven, 13 hours, so I try to space meals out so that I don't have to sneak an extra one in sometime mid-afternoon. Or that was the plan.

Once the heating kicked in, coupled with the warm sunshine, it was so warm, that I switched the heating off and opened the back door and worked with an almost warm breeze flowing through the house.

Springtime in the Jelltex garden That feels good.

But not as good as making lunch, salt beef sandwiches, and a brew then sitting on the top patio soaking in them warm rays!

I had salt beef as I made a cottage pie, using up the beef from Sunday and deciding that the salt beef should go in it too. Anyway, there was some nice bits that were just too flavoursome to go in the pie, so I put them aside for lunch. And proper nice they were.

Springtime in the Jelltex garden I make the cottage pie, topped with creamy mash with added smoked Leicester, to have on Wednesday night. News on that was we eat it.

But even as I ate lunch, clouds were sweeping in, brought on by an increasing breeze, and soon the chill sent me indoors, closed the back door and turned up the heating.

Springtime in the Jelltex garden I worked on.

Until four when it was time to do yet another session on the cross trainer, my last one for 36 hours as Wednesday is a rest day.


After showering, and dressing, I go out to the garden to do battle with our two climbing roses. We have let them climb wild for two years, and now they are halfway to actually touching the sky, so I get busy with the secateurs. Thing about roses is they have thorns. Thing about me is that I just get on with pruning. I am scratched to buggary. But I do get both under control, chop the cuttings up, and am done.

I did have my feline overlords watching over me, just to be near me while their clear favourite, Jools, is away at work.

I'll take what I can get.

Back indoors as dusk falls, and to warm up. And feed the cats, as they won't leave me alone until I do.

Dinner is stir fry prawns and fried noodles, but there was so much vegetables, and not enough sauce, so I look online and make my own out of olive oil, soy sauce, garlic, chili glaze and chili.

Once it is ten past seven, and I was weak with hunger, so I get cooking.

And it is very good, I pile the three main ingredients on two plates, pour some wine and we sit down to eat.

We are done in time for me to be able to watch the Chelsea v Liverpool cup tie, and is very good indeed, with Chelsea running out 2-0 winners.

That was good.

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