Wednesday 4 March 2020

Getting some in part 18

This is my last letter from RAF Cosford, before being let into the so-called "real" Air Force. I found out I was posted to Norfolk, RAF Marham, where I was to work in the Explosive Storage Area (ESA), and most of my friends on the course would be posted to the four corners of the UK.

Dateline:10th April 1991, AWM 218, RAF Cosford.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Well, its Friday evening, and I am in Cosford. What a bummer.

Well, it has been a very good week for me, as you know I came TOP in the finals with 85%. So, aren't I clever?

Yes I am. And I have to admit as to doing no revision before hand, which rather pisses of the senior man.

Last night was given over the celebrations, and we are now leaving here on June 10, this is because we are being kept here a week to help with the Air Show to act as crowd control.

I phoned Marham yesterday, they didn't know any of us were coming. The Flight Sergeant thinks we will be working in the EAS, that's RAF-speak for a bomb dump. He was pleased to hear we were coming, as they have rather a lot of work on, apparently.

I have not written before as there hasn't been a lot of news. We are now on the final phase of training, Composite Flight Servicing Training (CFST). Today, was spent in the crewroom. We've got to learn flight servicing; refueling, pumping up tyres, etc. We've got 5 weeks to do three and a half weeks work, so its going to be slow. For example, this afternoon all we did was walk to the hanger, look at a fire extinguisher and walk back. Rest of the time we drink coffee or I watch trains go by on the main line.

All we have to do is look interested and be safe.

To all intents and purposes, we have completed the course.

We played "all in rugby" yesterday, whilst getting pissed, and I got covered in mud so my jeans are drying on the radiator in my room. I should be going gliding tomorrow, at least I have the intention of going gliding, like I have the intention of making breakfast each morning.

About the exam results, the Flight Sergeant said "if only we could get what's in your head to reach your hands!!", but he was pleased all the same. In the four important exams I finished top three times and second, once. What a big head I am!

Well, that's all, I hope the news was to your liking,


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