Sunday 15 March 2020

Saturday 15th March 2020


Day of rest.

And the day in which I had planned, at least, that we should do some light churchcrawling, a wander round Challock woods looking for Toothwort. We had all day as there was no football to watch or listen to.

There wasn't much in the way of chores to do, so we listen to the radio, have breakfast and get dressed. Outside it ooked dark and chilly, but what the heck. But when I went out to fill up the bird feeders, I found it wasn't just chilly but downright cold. And grey, so grey that it didn't feel much like daytime, even though it was nine in the morning.

Seventy four I don't think we should go out this morning, I suggested. Thank God for that, said Jools. I just want to stay in and bead she carried on saying.

So, that was that.

I go down, put the heating up a notch and turn the radio up so Radcliffe and Maconie can be heard in every room. Shall I make a brew?

Yes, you should.

So I do.

And that is that. We while away the morning doing stuff, listening to Huey on the wireless. The morning turns into afternoon, and little changes.

I make fajitas for lunch, and then we watch the second of the Star Trek reboots which was very good indeed. Although we had seen it before, of course.

Night fell outside, we have cheese toasties, then play Uckers, with Jools winning by a single piece.

And that was Saturday, quiet, while outside chaos reigned.

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