Friday 27 March 2020

Thursday 26th March 2020

A day of change.

As you will see.

And I felt better for having a day off phys, and a good night's sleep, though still awake when the first blackbird begins to sing at five past five.

But spring is just about there, it feels cold, but the rising sun now lights up the spare room first, flooding the room with warm golden light, rather than the kitchen at the back of the house in the depths of mid-winter.

Jools leaves for work, but soon calls me to say there are changes at work, due to lack of work, and risk of infection, she and her boss, Andy, would work from home on alternate days, meaning I will have work company at home on Mondays and Wednesdays from next week.

Lets hope the bandwidth is wide enough!

It is sunny, but cold. And now we cannot walk far from the house, nor drive by car, except to go to work, shop or for medical reasons. These are strange times.

I do a session on the cross trainer, finish, make breakfast and set up the office all ready for the early morning meeting where we swap news and gossip.

Days are now following a pattern, colleagues have meetings and I plan activity for later in the year, but probably no or little travel.

Mulder The day passes slowly, minutes and hours hang heavy, a new mail or call a thing of excitement.

I have corned beef and cheese toasties for lunch, and feel bloated. Despite being bored, not eating too much, which is good. Just the drinking to cut down on, but, wine.

I have more meetings in the afternoon, but in having the heating off, the house is like a fridge, so I go to exercise a second time early, finish and put the heating on, have a shower and am soon glowing warm.

And I see in the pond, we have tadpoles, two black wrigglers were seen and snapped by me, overseen by Mulder as he lay in the sunshine. Something to look forward to see as the weeks pass.

Eighty six Not much has happened this week, and Thursday was probably the dullest.

For dinner I make nachos with home made salsa, which has a kick.

Next week it will be light until nearly eight, and we will walk before dinner, but for now there is four year old home brewed wine to glug and toast.

The lockdown might mean DJs can't travel to studios, so live shows will stop. It seems most things fun are stopping, soon there will be just wine and outdoors, but only from your garden.

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