Tuesday 24 March 2020

The big announcement

I mean I could have written this as part of the usually daily blog, but I thought its not often an entire country gets shut down.

Mind you, we're not the only ones doing this, but it is worth pointing out that other countries, like Denmark, have not gone down the lockdown route because they were better prepared, there has been less panic buying.

So, when news came just before five that the dail "presser" was being delayed until half eight when a national broadcast would be made, it was obvious what was coming.

Even still, to see it written down in black and white, or in Tweets, seeing the reality of it, that for three weeks there will be no non-urgent travel, meetings of more than two people, all non key work to stop and people to stay at home.

These are days we thought we would never see, and yet it was clear that they would come, one day.

Pandemics happen, and have been known before. A virus jumps from one species to human and for us there is no immunity, and it rips around the world thanks to global travel through hub airports in a matter of hours.

It seems only politicans, those tasked with ensuring protection and preparedness were caught sleeping, and our brave leader, Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson has been behind the curve from the start. And has gone from joking about shaking everyone's hand in a hospital with those infected to locking down the country in 14 days. Not bad.

And make no mistake, the lockdown isn't just because people ignored advice, but it because that advice was fudged and not clear, and for a week the Government prepared the country for the wrong virus.

But yes, Boris is doing a grand job.

It will take ten days to see if the lockdown works, and in those ten days death rates will double about every two days, and our health service will buckle under the strain, but they will do their best.

The plice can arrest those of breaking the lockdown, but the Tories spent a decade cutting numbers and morale as they did with nurses, doctors, teachers and fire service. All cut down to bare bones with no flexibility when the shit hits the fan.

But I'm sure it's not the Tories fault, it must be Labour's, or the EU's or the union's fault.

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