Thursday 26 March 2020

Wednesday 25th March 2020


Day or rest.

And just as well, as I felt so tired.

But more of that later.

Another day in paradise, and the sun shone down all day.

Every day.

But it seems that with a morning of no phys, I don't actually have any more time to do stuff. It is a scramble to get coffee made, breakfast ready before the first meeting at half seven, which is more of a social thing than anything else. But we're all OK. THe meeting is soundtracked by people making coffee or eating a late breakfast.

It all works well.

And at eight the meeting ends and we go to our tasks.

I stare at my screen, look at databases a bit, and so the morning progresses.

Mid-morning I take the new out for a spin to Tesco. I know some of you are big fans of that branch. Anyway, worth seeing if there some of the hard to get stuff.

It was calm, there was parking spaces. But there was no toilet roll, four, eggs or pasta. Or beans. But we still have our Brexit stock of those, but the other stuff is worrying, but we're OK for another two weeks. So the search goes on.

Eighty five I get olive oil, Grape Nuts, yogurt, cheese and wine Two boxes of wine. 6 litres. That'll keep me going until the weekend.

Spring walk I hope.

Back home with the traffic so light, reverse down the drive with all the sensors going off warning me about plants and the house about to hit the car Nothing happens.

Spring walk I unload the car, make lunch then check mails, makes calls and things return to normal.

Well, as normal as normal gets in times like these.

Mid afternoon, I realise I have a pile of stuff of Mum's, junk mail, to post back to sender. So why not go for a walk too?

Spring walk Why not indeed.

Up to the end of the road, up to Collingwood and back along that street, looking for wild flowers, and I am rewarded with some Coltsfoot showing through some garden plants. I take shots.

Spring walk Along the road out to the country, to the pig's copse and Fleet House.

It is a mighty fine day, if cold, and I could see for miles across the rolling downs to the Channel beyond.

Spring walk It is a wonderful to live here on the cliffs. Or near to them.

There was a piglet in the copse, but it was out exploring, snuffling around, so I leave it to it, and head down towards The Dip and the view down to the mud and up the other side.

The Dip I did not go further than the viewing point, but time is drawing near to when we shall wander on this green and pleasant land. And lanes.

Spring Walk I sigh and turn for home, my back gently complaining.

But I make it back home, having snapped several wild flowers in bloom.

Spring Walk As it should be.

Back home, I make a brew and pack the office away after checking work mails for the last time.

Dinner was mushroom soup and warmed up leftover potato bread. How did we know it was mushroom soup? Because there wasn't much room left in the bowls!

Spring Walk It was splendid, and still a triumph.

The days grows cold and the daylight fades. Jools makes a brew, and we have proper chocolate biscuits.


But, I am tired. And grow cold, so take to my pit to stay warm and listen to the wireless, and we both switch the lights out at nine, so to sleep, perchance to dream.

1 comment:

nztony said...

Big fan - you bet I am, always have been, always will be, and I should know, I've tested them from the NW corners of Scotland to the very SE of Kent.