Sunday 29 March 2020

The science never changed

History is written by the winners. Or those in power.

And according to Yes, Prime Minister you only have an inquiry to get the answer you want.

I say this because, contrary to what the Mail, Express and Torygraph might say, the current crisis can be laid at the door of Number 10.

For over a week Johnosn and his "Nudge Squad" perused the herd immunity plan as they they had modelled the wrong disease; viral pneumonia instead of VONVID-19. The BMA, WHO among others told Johnson and the UK Government they were wrong, but the course remained unchanged for two more days.

And then they realised their mistake, 250,000 additional deaths were possible, so journalists were briefed that the science had changed so tactics were changed.

This was not true then.

Important days were wasted, as was all of February when warnings were coming in from China and Italy about how bad things were going to get, and nothing was done. Sports carried on taking place, bars and restaurants remained open, and the PM carried on claiming it was all under control, shaking hands. The country will not get those wasted days and weeks back, and so this is where we are now.

The Torygraph has on its front page that the "NHS failed pandemic tests four years ago". This is not quite true, the NHS ran an exercise, found there were failings and shortages, wrote a report, sent it to Government who then did nothing. Exercises are important to highlight gaps, but those gaps need closing. Closing gaps at a time when central Government is slashing funding is impossible.

Johnson was part of successive Governments that signed off on spending cuts, wage freezes and scrapping nurses' bursaries.

But blame the NHS.

Blame China for it, but China did warn the rest of the world, after a slow start, but they did warn us, that those warnings were ignored is not China's fault.

Michael Barnier test positive for the virus, now the Mail is accusing his of infecting the "stricken" PM.


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