Tuesday 10 March 2020

The morons are in charge

A poll appeared online asking which politician people thought would be best to lead the country through the pincer attack of Brexit and the coronavirus.

Apparently anybody except those currently tasked with keep the country working, exporting and healthy.

Thatcher someone said. She's be fine, as Brexit would have been an anathema to her, which to see Brexiteers having pictures of her on their desk while they destroy her greatest legacy, the EU simgle market, is odd. But then Brexiteers by and large are not bright. Certainly those in Westminster tasked with delivering Brexit itself.

The health of the nation is something else.

While Brexit is a purely politically dogmatic idea carried out in the real world of imports, exports, commerce, jobs, containing the virus is a simple case of following the advice of pandemic experts.

I stress again the main point of the lockdowns we have seen in China and Italy today is not to stop the spread, but to slow it down, so that the medical system will not be swamped by numbers of infected patients wanting ICU treatment at once, the spike of infections needs to be brought down and spread out.

Leave it too late to implement and there are numbers a country can't cope with, do it too early and people get bore, run out of food.

We need people like Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson et al to start to act like the statement and women they claim to be, heirs to Churchill and Lloyd George.

Their track record hasn't been great on Brexit, and if they fail this time, many more people will die than necessary.

The effect of a decade long deliberate underfunding of the NHS will soon be there for all to see, and those who decided the cuts should be made, should be held to account. £4.4 billion pounds has been found to fund the totally pointless Brexit that will leave the country diminished and poorer, but not for the NHS and social care which saw 120,000 people die before their time.

Good luck, we're going to need it.

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