Saturday 26 December 2020

A quick word

On Christmas Eve, it was announced a deal had been reached between the UK and EU.

Johnson claimed it a massive voctory and even put out a scorecard showing how much more a victory was it was for the UK that the EU.

Then we waited.

Last night the draft agreement was published, and showed that Johnson had folded, pretty much.

Far from being truly independent, in the words of DAG:

"About ten pages of the UK-EU trade agreement are devoted to setting up - without exaggeration - dozens and dozens of UK-EU talking shops Committees, assemblies, working groups and so on

All with various powers and functions

Welcome to the future, negotiations without end."

In other words, Brexit without end.

Those who thought the deal would end anyone talking about Brexit any more, will be more than disappointed. This is just the start of non-stop talking.

I will go over some of the details in another post, but at this time of the year, Brexmas, Johnson will always let you down.

The ERG will hate it.

It is hard Brexit, but not as hard as feared.

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