It is a reason to be hopeful.
If only we didn't have COVID and Brexit. And this Government.
I try to keep the political and personal posts apart, but like Brexit and reality, the two are coming together.
So it goes, so it goes.
It was Monday, so Jools was off to work, but I was on me holibobs, so could laze aorund even more than I usually do. I couldn't go out, well I could, but rain was forecast, getting heavier through the day. So I thought I would catch up on podcasts, TV shows and listen to some 90s Britpop, the whole day whizzed by.
Any doubt I would get bored if retired can be dispelled, I can always find shit to do, and take all day doing it.
I did have to go out first thing, to the post box up on Collingwood, as we had forgotten a card to send. Well, more than one really, but we got one from them, so I had to do the shameful thing and ask via message on Facebook for their address, only to discover we did have it after all.
Oh dear.
In order to avoid the worse of the weather, I set out just after seven, putting on a cat and a hat, walking down the street then up Station Road. There was little traffic on the roads, and no one out dogwalking, so I walk up the hill, pop the card in the box and walk down. And as I walked down the rain swept in, meaning I had to rush back home and dash indoors.

I make a second coffee and watch a podacst, while keeping an eye on the roads nearby on the traffic radar, as both the Port of Dover and the Tunnel were closed as France had suspended all traffic into their country.
It was bad, and got worse. I just hoped Jools could get home OK in the evening, though it would take her some time to get home.
I have breakfast and yet another coffee, outside the rain fell and sea fog drifted in over the cliffs.
Lovely day. For staying in and looking out of the window. I filled up the bird feeders so they wouldn't go hungry, and I would have stuff to look at.
The day ploughed on. I did little, but as usual it took me all day to do it, but then there was no deadline.
The cats, once fed, slept through the day, waking at just gone three, and the kittens just sit on the stairs observing me, waiting for me to move so I would go an feed them.
It began to get dark at three, outside the rain fell and the mist lurked.
I closed the curtains on it all.
Jools took 20 minutes longer to get home. I wait for her to return before popping dinner in the oven, crispbakes in rolls, a quick and easy meal, so soon we were sitting down, toasting each other.

I wait so at eight I watch more football, as it doesn't watch itself. I can't remeber who played, so it couldn't have been that good, could it?
Anyway, off to bed at ten.
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