I have no idea what day it is.
Already, and this only the third working day off.
Many, many more to go.
So, what to fill the day with? Well, I have to go tot he surgery to pick up some pills, so have to be there between 10 and 11, I will leave home at about half nine, walk there and back.

Until then, there is music, writing and messing around online.
Jools had cards to deliver, so she left me at home, I have a second coffee and mess aorund until it was time to leave.

I put on my walking boots, grab my camera and coat, and am off. Turning onto Station Rad I see lorries, two on the far side at the bottom, and three in the layby this side. Drivers mingle at the front of the nearest one, smoking.

I ask them if there were OK, or needed anything. They needed nothing for no, and blamed France for the chaos, not the UK for being shit. Which was odd. They had at least, a place to park, spaces elsewere were filling up quickly, and Manston had opened up for more trucks.

I walk down the hill, then up the other side, puffing into the village then taking the back way past the pond to the footpath behind the school and up over the fields to the surgery.

It was grey and damp.
I wait outside the surgery until it was turn, I get the pills and pay the bill. Turn round and walk back. I was going to go via the Dip, but my back suggested otherwise, that and the half a beach it felt was in my shoe. So I walk back down the hill, up the other side past the trucks to home.

Jools was back, so I make brunch; bacon butties, made with "chestnut" cured bacon. Not sure about chestnut, certainly not as good as maple syrup, but bacon is always bacon, and good.

Ad so we settle into our usual state, me working on the computer. I say work, messing around really. Jools watches the latest episode of The Exanse then reads, does beading.
The day passes into evening. We have coffee and mince pies.
A while later I cook burgers for ours tea, with onion and cheese and beer.

All marvelous.
And the evening is spent watching Newcastle and Arsenal losing to Brentford and Citeh in the League Cup.
And that was the evening. And your day.
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