I can reveal, however, it would be a day with rain. Lots of rain.
And wind.
When the wind is in the right, or wrong, direction, it blows against the cat flap, and the kitty cats get confused why it doesn't open as usual, so get freaked out.
This happened. All day.
And then when I opened the door for them, they ran outside, felt the weather, and they came rushing back in. So much rushing in has been done in the last month that they have managed to crack the cat flap, we will have to get a new one. Scully has taken to sitting in the kittens favourite routes so she can pick fights. She then has to deal with me, so two cats at full speed come crashing through the hatch, one rushes past me to safety, while Scully sees me and does a 180 degree turn and is out of the cat flap again.

As we drank our first coffees, the kittens begin playing, but it soon gets serious with hissing, hackles raised and extended fluffy tail wagging. We spearate them, and me just getting up is enough for Poppy to go running or else I might pick her up.
I slept through the alarm again, and wasn't really up and about until half six, by which time there was coffee to drink and the entire internet to check. The cross-trainer went unused.
We have been looking for a replacement, and have chosen one, though want to test it before use, might involve a drive to Tonbridge, if that's allowed. We shall see.
Work begins with the morning meeting, which we are told will continue beyond this week, although the team has been split in twain.
I find out one important thing: it was also raining in Denmark. Oh, and they're going to have cake in the office in Monday. I will not be having cake.
Jools went to Tesco, to get it out of the way. She buys me two boxes of wine, but no beer. I have a good reserve anyway. And once she is back we have bacon butties, maple syrup smoked bacon. Yummy, even if it was Tesco bacon, not the butchers.
I go back to work and the morning passes.
Outside the rain switches from a steady downpour into something heavier, the wind picks up so the rain is thrown against the back of the house. Its at times like this I am glad we live on the side of a hill, rather than at the bottom of one.

And just like that, I am all caught up at work. I spend the morning inputting data into CRM, which will probably get ignored, but its my job to do it.
Come half two there is little work on, I am hungry and Jools had bought a cook your own curry kit, and I could hear it calling. So, I pack up, and put the pots and trays in the oven, and 25 minutes later we have a slightly disappointing feast before us, but it was the first curry we have had since, what, February? It was OK. I added a handful or two of chilli flakes, and that pepped it up some.

I listen to the radio through the evening, follow the less important European games. I fancy a drink, so try the 2019 vintage sloe gin.
It is excellent, so I have three more glasses while watching a video of a train approaching Mount Fuji in Japan.
And time for bed. Again.
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