Wednesday 16 December 2020

Is this a deal I see hoving into view?

Backbench Tory MPs were being briefed last night that a deal with the EU is in sight, and Eurosceptics not to worry, they'll be more than happy.

Narrator. Eurosceptics and Brexiteers have never been happy.

Apart from that, there is silence.

JRM did say that if a deal was done, then MPs could only debate it once it had come into force, which rather defeats the object, but then as I have said many times, I think this was the whole point of Brexit, to further centralise power, and not have anyone be able to question the power. That said, The Commons did vote for this to happen, it is possible that they really didn't understand the consequences of this.

That is something I have written many times these last few months.

But there we are, very little being said, not enough time for ratification before the 31st, something that will have to be addressed.

But there would have to be a deal first.

Although I believe there has been a guidance paper published by the UK Government on how exports are going to work this morning.

That's nice.

As long as the IT systems work, and there's been training, there's customs agents, and customs officials, and vets. Oh bu the Brexit lorry park in Ashford won't be ready for February, but I'm pretty sure its not that important......

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