Well, it is true.
I woke up on Thursday, while if not running on all four cylinders, then three and a half.
I slept until half six, woke up with Jools getting ready for work, so I had better get my act together as there was to be the usual morning meeting at half seven.
I drank coffee, but wasn't hungry, so skipped breakfast.
Straight after the morning meeting we jumped straight into our introduction meeting with our new boss. This was a worrying thing, and in preparation we had to prepared two PowerPoint slides with details about oursleves, one outlining uurselves and the other our main deliverables. Six lines per slide and six words per line.
I worked on that all week. As did the others, and on top of that we each had just five minutes to talk through the two slides and add any details about us.
Turns out there was nothing to worry about, it went well, and she had done some background digging and found the team are very well regarded in the wider company. Which is nice.
So, we talked about the past and our glorious future which will soon come to pass with the merger which should be finalised before Christmas, and this new structure should be in alignment with our new owners, the compay I joined in 2020.
Anyway, go on as before, we were told, and keep getting results.
I went and made breakfast; toast and marmalade, as I was suddenly hungry.
That went down well, as did the cuppa. All I had to look forward to was the writing of the audit report.
I worked on it, sometimes several minutes at a time. I stopped halfway through to have lunch of fruit and yogurt. Went back and fnished the report, and sent it out for comments.
And then, nothing.
I sit and stare at my inbox, but nothing happens. So I decide to bake a cake.
As you do.
Another orange and poppyseed cake, using the wrinkled oranges in the bowl, and more of the decade old poppyseeds in the pantry. Twenty minutes work and the cake goes into the oven and an I clear up and check with work. Most people had finished for the day, but I stuck until four.

Or quarter to six, as was.
The fritters were cooked, I pur another wine, and we dip each fritter into garlic mayo (no adverse reactions, for mw), and glug on the wine.
Another day over, and in a week's time I will have finished work for another year!
I follow football on Twitter, listen to music on the radio until nine, and we go to bed.
Phew, rock and roll. Again.
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