Thursday 3 December 2020

In Brexit, the first casualty is truth

As I wrote yesterday, many MInisters, including the Prime MInister, claimed that having left the EU meant the UK could allow the start of vaccinations using the Pfizer vaccine.

As much as I am proud of my country, that the vaccine was invented by two Turkish immigrants, funded by Germany and will be manufactured in Belgium, what the UK can claim is they bought it first.

And the purchase and approval was all done in accordance with EU rules, becasue we are in the transition period, and the UK is abiding by all such rules.

But don't let some simple facts get in the way of using nationalism to justify the bag of shit that is Brexit.

And when their bullshit is called out, they whine why are we putting the country down all the time.

It is likely the UK fast tracked purchase and approval so the vaccine gets to the UK before January 1st, when there might be delays at ports and airports.

But that's another minor matter in Brexiteers tiny brains.

The sourcing of a vaccine, several vaccines, has not been the quest of a single country, but cooperation between many countries on a vast scale, so the most vunerable around the globe can be treated first.

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