I am now entering my last five working days of the year. The last tasks to be completed, and the paperwork signed and filed away.
Jools is back working four days a week, so this was the first day of her three day weekend, and we turned off the alarm to celebrate. Which did explain how we managed to sleep until quarter to seven.
At least I was feeling back to my best again, after whatever laid me low, left.
We have coffee, I get dressed and soon enough it was time to start work, and I have another morning filled with four hours of meetings. Back in the day, such a morning would have left me with an avalanche of e mails to deal before the end of the day, but as a support function, and at the end of a succesful year, things are pretty quiet.
We talk about audits for two hours, which is always amazing to discover that we find some new angle to discuss every two weeks. In theory, this should have wrapped up after 5 minutes or so. Some hope.
One meeting ends, and another one begins. And so on, including another meeeting which has thus far brought us no news in the last 5 weeks brought is another load of no news.
Meanwhile, Jools had gone to Jen's to do some yoga, then went to Deal to drop yet more books off at the charity shop. She came home laden with some kind of snack consisting of a sausage wrapped in falky pastry, but is not a sausage roll. Not sure what to call it. Oh look, it's gone, no need to worry about that now.
I did nip out in the garden between meetings, when the sun briefly shone, just to take some different shot a day from what I have been posting. Not easy working from home in December, when I spend all the daylight hours working. So, here is our garden from the bottom patio:

I watch another podcast; people talking about records and life. Shouldn't work, but does. And they are to interview me next year. Of its still going.
For the evening, we go to Jen's for dinner and cards. Now she doesn't have to look after her Mother, means she can eat more of what she likes, and in normal times would be going out for lunch and dinners, but these are not normal times. Anyway, she cooked a chicken curry and rice. I took some Old Ale to sup with it.
We eat after we arrive, then, after tidying up, play cards. The usual games. Jen keeps filling up my wine glass, so I am in fine form by the time we leave to go home. Also, by then, I am a little ricker as I win two out of the three games.
Take me home, Jools.
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