Boxing Day (Official)
Bank Holiday.
Like we need one.
And with it being fine, and even some sun forecast, I said, foolishly the night before, that we should go for a walk.

So it was after getting up at half seven, downing the first coffee of the day then getting dressed like Nanook of the North, in many layers, we climbed into the car, with just two cameras, for the short drive to Deal.

The roads were empty, as were the parking spaces along the road through Walmer, so in order for me not to get any more angry with the Sunday driver in front of me cruising at 19mph, we pull and start our walk from St. Saviour's, walk to the promenade and turn north towards the pier.

Although, I was tempted onto the shingle beach so I could snap the fishing fleet, high up on the beach, all at rest.

So, I snap the boats, the fishermen's gear and the machinery used to drag the boats high up onto the beach.

And there was the everchanging cloudscapes as the sun rose in the southeast, then hid behind clouds for half an hour.

We walked no further than the time tower, currently covered in scaffolding as it is repaired, and as we turned, the sun came out and things looked far brighter, doubly so as the clouds cleared too and in a few minutes the sun was shining from a clear blue sky, just as the BBC had promised.

Sorry I ever doubted you.
Back past the castle, the bandstand to the lifeboat stattion, which were both locked up, and back to the car.

Once back home I cook bacon butties, a prelude to the salt beef sandwiches smothered in horseradish which we eat at lunctime.

And then, the afternoon; now, a few weeks ago I suggested in a moment of foolishness that members of the orchid group on Facebook might like to hear my presentation. I thought that maybe one or two would, so I could get out of it. But more than 30 said they would be interested, so I set up a "Live" event, and the 28th was to be the day I was to give it. Which meant that the afternoon was spent going over the presentation, changing some of the text and adding some new slides due to a couple of spikes seen in the 2020 season.

I also finished the 2020 orchid season blogs, the forth and final one posted mid-afternoon. So I could concentrate on the Premier League football, though only via the BBC website.

At five I did a test of the Facebook Live platofrm, all seemed to work, and a video of the recording is made and saved to the site.

I cook chorizo hash, which we make vanish, as well as two man-sized glasses of red wine, so I was all ready to go at seven with the presentation.

And, we're live!
I talk for an hour and twenty minutes or so, and many said it was good, so, who knows? Anyway, by the end my voice was giving out, so I soothe my vocal chords with a glass of red wine,a nd send a second down to keep the first one company.

And that was it. Bank Holiday done.
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