I have an interview on Wednesday next week. I'm still on holiday, but will attend.
All exciting stuff. I mean when you hear you new boss wants to have an interview with you before Christmas, you get concerned. Of course I am getting ahead of myself, as I do not know for certain if I am being kept on, have a job to move to.
But we shall see.
Of course, it was my first day of 17 off work, using up all bar five of my days holiday for the year. Jools has the first day of her three day weekend, so we were bot off. Though we had nothing planned.
Jools went to Tesco first thing, lockdown means just one from each household should go to shops, so I stay home and have a shower while Jools goes and gets the shopping. She comes back, drops the bags and leaves to go and do yoga at Jen's.
I was home, no work to do, and yeat I had no idea what I did for the morning. I was going to go for a walk from the NT place, but when Jools returned from Teso, the almost gale forse westerly had brought rain, and it looked too grim be out. So I stay home and listen to podcasts and do some writing.
You lucky people.
I put the shopping away, plan meals for the next week, and watch the bords in the back garden, the hedge and shrub in which we hang the feeders were full of Great Tots, Blue Tits, Chaffinches, Robins, Blackbirds, House Sparrows and Dunnocks. I could watch them all day, and can as I am on me holibobs. I fill up the feeders and clean the ground feeder too, fill that up. The birds tweet their frustration at me as I am in the way of lunch.
I let them get on with it.
Jools comes back, so we have sausage sarnies for lunch, using the last of the wild garlic links from the butcher, bought in the early spring. They were fabulous. For desert we dive into the tin of Heroes.

At four, we drive to Jen's, the traffic was light enough to let us travel on the A2, and not get caught in traffic, first time this week that has been possible.
At Jen's we watch some snooker. I used to love it back in the 70s and 80s, but there is so much on TV now, it was OK, but was happy when the game ended and Jen went to warm up the lasagne for dinner.
And then, eyes down for cards.
We play the usual: Jools wins the first game of Meld, then I win the second without losing a hand, again. Jools wins at Queenie, and it was by then, nine.
Time to go home.
The A2 was clear, though Jubilee Way was blocked off by police, the blue flashing lights, illuminating the night.

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