Saturday 13 July 2024

Friday 12th July 2024

It is now high summer, even if the weather doesn't feel like it, and the self-seeded Tansy beside the drive has started to bloom.

One hundred and ninety four These I saw when I went to put the bins out first thing. Ahead of me was a day of meetings and the deadline to put out seven audit reports before I could finish.

I have received multiple mails asking when they could expect the reports. Just as soon as I have some time I reply.

I start work at seven, but flow is interrupted by a department meeting, in which there wasn't a quorum so that was abandoned, which meant back to my reports.

Most of the company is going on holiday by the end of the day. Or the part that is north European will, so the need for the reports to go is is all the more urgent.

Lunch is leftover mash and two sausages, both to be refried to have crispy for lunch, along with a brew.

At half two I attach the reports to a mail and hit "send".

I log off, pack away but instead of a walk, I gather the hay from the lawnmeadow, while Jools walked to meet a friend at the café in the village.

I went inside to watch the last "flat" stage of Le Tour, Scully sleeps beside me and is blissfully happy.

No cards for us, even though Jen is back from Bolton with Sylv, it is men's semi-final day at Wimbledon, and Jen wants to watch that, so we stay home so I could take part in the quiz, then in the evening watch Women's football from Norwich in the evening while making some leftover wine disappear.

Its a bad job, but someone's got to do it.

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