Wednesday 24 July 2024

Monday 22nd July 2024

Back in the jugg agane.

Chiz chiz.

It seems the better the weekend the harder the comedown on Monday morning. And the comedown is made worse that my two friends and colleagues are both still off for at least two more weeks, so no one to share moans and gossip with.

The endless Danish summer holiday goes on and on, with most of the people I work with out until next Monday at least.

Jools is about bright and early, and I was awake too, kept in this world due to the heat and humidity over night.

And the morning was glorious too. I sat on the patio to drink my coffee and spy a Red Admiral basking nearby, too cool for it to fly off, so I have tome to get my camera and run off 20 shots.

Two hundred and four It does not stay sunny and warm for long. Clouds appear and a cold breeze builds, turning the day to cold, or appearing cold comparing to the hot and humid weekend.

But there is work, of course.

Lots of open actions to follow up, only no one is in. And its been a while since I did follow ups due to being in audits or preparing for audits, and so had no time.


It gets so chilly, I put on a jumper and close windows, I do think about putting the heating on, but don't.

It rains during the afternoon, putting to bed any chance of going for a walk, so I sit with Scully and we watch some daytime TV.

Harmless stuff.

Jools goes to aquafit on Mondays, so will bring KFC back for supper, meaning I have no dinner to cook, just make sure there's a coffee for her when she's back from work.

Pater Lieven Tripel And once she leaves for the pool, I put on a podcast and the evening passes slowly.

She comes back at half eight, laden with fried chicken and fries and beans.

We eat.

And then go to bed.

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