Saturday 27 July 2024

Friday 26th July 2024

And so, Friday.

And this Friday will always now be remembered for the "Cleo" incident.

But that is for later.

Friday at last, and just eight hours to get through, and then I could relax, have a beer.

Not much to report, just the usual. Department meetings cancelled due to people being on holiday, meaning there was no excuse for not completing tasks.

Other than procrastination, of course.

I even try to close the personal laptop so I don't get distracted. And then somehow it opens again and the world distracts.


I do finish some of what was planned, leaving me to finish on Monday.

And then there was the "interesting question".

And interesting question is one that comes up in a meeting and stirs previous dead end of actions. But new managers and new manager's manager meant I could try raising the issue again.

Two hundred and eight And it turns out, as expected, a new gap identified.

And just like that, the working week was done.

Jools had been swimming, and once she returned, we had a brew before heading to Jen's for supper and cards.

Sylv is still there, and means well. Of course. We had spag bol, garlic bread, cheese and wine.

Pyronia tithonus By which time John arrived, and we played cards. Needless to say we lost heavily, but then only pennies.

We came home, and were sitting at the dining room table, at which point the Cleo Incident happened.

There was the should of hissing, which in a house of four cards, is not unusual. More hissing like a fight was going on, so Jools went up to investigate, but there were no cats.

Love in a mist Apparently.

More hissing.

Still no cat found.

And then the mournful meowing.

It was Cleo.

She was somewhere, and clearly not happy.

Jools checked the flat roof which is the place she loves.

But no cat.

Jools checked under the beds, in the wardrobe.

No Cleo.

Still meowing. Not behind the bookshelf?


When Jools had the office done, fitted bookshelves were installed, and in one corner, instead of fitting along the walls, there was one at a 45 degree angle, meaning there was a void, which would be seven foot deep.

The shelves were attached to the walls.

The meowing was coming from behind the shelving. I tried throwing a towel over, hoping she would would grab on and be pulled out.

But I let go of the towel and it fell down. On Cleo.

It did not improve the situation.

We got a small saw out, and after removing files from a shelf, high enough not to stab Cleo when sawing.

After ten minutes, the panel was prised off, and after some long seconds, Cleo leaps out.


A few minutes later she is rolling all roly poly on the living room floor, as though nothing had happened.

There is still a hole in our lovely new shelving unit mind.

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