Thursday 25 July 2024

Tuesday 23rd July 2024


And work settles down to its usual pattern. In that I have people to chase for answers, and they're all on the beach.

So it goes.

A day of mixed weather, sunshine and showers. Or showers and sunshine.

The usual stuff.

Sitting in the chair on the patio, I see a green fly, so iridescent it was alike it was made of glass.

Two hundred and five I snapped that.

People who were in work were too busy for meetings. So I update spreadsheets which will show up somewhere I did some work, even if it achieved nothing.

Again, the shies darkened, a cold wind blew and rain fell. I put my jumper back on and resisted the urge to put the heating on. The sun did shine later on.

Sarcophaga carnaria I overdid it at the weekend, so my back and knee suggested an early stack and sitting on the sofa watching crap daytime TV, so I watched two more hours of a auto-auction place in Yorkshire.

Time passes.

I cook the fancy potatoes, panko chicken and stir fry, though the potatoes come apart, they were crispy, so still got eaten.

And that was the day, really. Sun to shine on Wednesday, with warmer weather from Sunday.

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